
Making AI responsibly, caring, and sustainably

AI is broken. From harmful biases to exploding energy consumption, the current systems create more problems than they solve. Possible Worlds Research is a non-profit initiative dedicated to researching and developing tiny AI models in the area of Natural Language Processing. Why tiny? Because we believe that tomorrow’s technology should not pollute our beautiful planet. Because small models can be used by everybody, irrespective of their financial resources. Because doing more with less, in the end, is the true hallmark of ‘intelligence’.


Our mission is to build and share AI systems in a responsible, caring and sustainable way.


We hope to grow our initiative through 2024, starting with the launch of our organisation on GitHub in the first quarter and a preview into some of our open-source code. We will set up a collective in collaboration with a fiscal host by the second quarter, allowing us to be ready to accept donations. The rest of our efforts will concentrate on growing our community, accepting the first contributions to our source code and setting up an advisory board. By the end of the year, we would like to lay out a strategy plan based on the donations received, focusing our development efforts on projects of particular interest to the community.

Rough schedule

What When Who
Launch of GitHub organisation I/2024 The PWR team
Launch of collective II/2024 The PWR team
First community contributions II/2024 External contributors
Set up of advisory board III/2024 The PWR team and its scientific communities
Strategic planning IV/2024 The PWR team and its advisory board